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Sandvika, 29 October (OSE: NORCO): The Danish Ministry of Defence Estate Agency has awarded Norconsult Danmark A/S, a subsidiary of Norconsult ASA, a 4-year framework agreement regarding technical consultancy in the building section. Norconsult has teamed up with Nordic Office of Architecture, also a subsidiary of Norconsult ASA, and Cx & tekniq as subconsultants.

The framework agreement is a 4-year contract, awarded to four companies. Specific contracts will be awarded through subsequent tenders between the four companies, with an expected combined revenue up to DKK 700 million (NOK 1.1 billion).

“We are very pleased, that the Danish ministry of Defence Estate Agency has awarded us this framework agreement, and we look forward to working with a variety of building projects together with the Danish Armed Forces,” says Thomas Bolding Rasmussen, CEO at Norconsult Danmark A/S.

The nomination of the contract to Norconsult is subject to a standstill period of 10 days.


For further information, please contact:

Investors: Elin Spieler, Head of Treasury and IR Manager, elin.spieler@norconsult.com

Media: Henrik Charlesen, Senior Communication Advisor, henrik.charlesen@norconsult.com

About Norconsult

Norconsult is a leading pan-Nordic interdisciplinary consulting firm, combining engineering, architecture and digital expertise across projects of all sizes, for private and public customers in infrastructure, energy and industry, buildings and architecture. Headquartered in Sandvika, Norway, Norconsult’s delivery model is centred around knowledge hubs and local presence through approximately 6,300 employees across around 140 offices in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Poland and Finland.

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