With the support of the authorization from the annual general meeting on June 28, 2024, the board of Avsalt Group AB (“the Company”) has decided on a rights issue with preferential rights for the Company’s existing shareholders.
The last day of trading in the Company’s shares including the right to receive subscription rights is November 11, 2024. The first day of trading in the Company’s shares excluding the right to receive subscription rights is November 12, 2024. The record date is November 13, 2024.
The shareholders of the Company will receive one (1) subscription right for each share held per the record date. Four (4) subscription rights are required to subscribe to five (5) new shares. The subscription price is 2.4 SEK per share.
Subscription of shares will take place from and including November 15, 2024 to and including November 29, 2024. Trading in subscription rights will take place on NGM from and including November 15, 2024 to and including November 26, 2024.
Trading in paid subscription shares will take place on NGM from and including November 15, 2024 until the rights issue is registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
If the rights issue results in an adjustment factor, the share orders in the instrument’s order book will be deleted after the end of the trading day on November 11, 2024.
Information regarding the affected instruments:
Listing name: Avsalt Group TR
Exchange symbol: AVSALT TR
ISIN-code: SE0023312723
First day of trading: 2024-11-15
Last day of trading: 2024-11-26
Instrument-ID: G4M5
Tick size table/liquidity band: A
Number of issued instruments: 4 058 038
Market-ID: NSME
Segment-ID: NSSE
Listing name: Avsalt Group BT
Exchange symbol: AVSALT BT
ISIN-code: SE0023312731
First day of trading: 2024-11-15
Last day of trading: Will be announced later in a separate Market Notice
Instrument-ID: G4M4
Tick size table/liquidity band: A
Number of issued instruments: 5 072 545
Market-ID: NSME
Segment-ID: NSSE
For more information about this Market Notice, please contact us by e-mail, marketsurveillance@ngm.se or telephone, +46 8 566 390 55.
NGM Market Notice Pressroom