The Energy Authority of Finland issued yesterday, 30 December, a decision on the sharing of the costs of Olkiluoto 3’s (OL3) system protection* between Teollisuuden Voima (TVO) and national grid company Fingrid. Under the decision, Fingrid, which is responsible for system protection, can charge the majority of the costs caused by system protection to TVO as a service fee.
The system protection enabling the full power production of OL3 is according to the decision of the Energy Authority of Finland issued in January 2024 the responsibility of Fingrid. The yesterday decision of the Energy Authority gives Fingrid the right to charge TVO the majority of the costs caused by the system protection as a service fee. According to the decision, the service fee can include, among others, reimbursements to response resources connected to system protection and for the procurement of data communication connections to these resources connected to system protection.
The decision of the Energy Authority states that Fingrid is responsible for acquiring the response resources to be connected to the system protection, and for awarding contracts and handling administrative invoicing. Fingrid is further responsible for tests to be carried out on the response resources for system protection and for the assessment of their suitability as response resources as well as for the maintenance of the measurement and monitoring system for system protection in Fingrid’s operations monitoring system.
The decision of the Energy Authority is not yet final, but it shall be followed regardless of a possible appeal. TVO prepares to appeal the decision to the Market Court.
* OL3’s system protection: A continuous state of balance between production and consumption must exist in the electricity system. In case large and rapid power changes affecting the system are possible, such as caused by a sudden disruption of OL3 production, the system must be protected by special arrangements. According to national grid company Fingrid, such a special protection system is needed when the production output of Olkiluoto 3 exceeds 1300 MW. This is implemented automatically by reducing industrial consumption and utilising power storages for a quick increase in production.
Teollisuuden Voima Oyj has produced electricity for its shareholders, Finnish industrial and energy companies, safely and reliably for over 40 years. The island of Olkiluoto produces about 30 percent of Finland’s electricity needs. Climate-friendly nuclear electricity not only benefits society but also reduces the environmental impact of energy production. Moreover, the world’s first final disposal facility for spent nuclear fuel is under construction in Olkiluoto.