Akshay Kumar, one of the richest actors in Bollywood, has again made a ton of money recently. No, this time not with any of his films, which are not performing well at the box office in the first place, but by selling an apartment in Mumbai. As per a report by Press Trust of India (PTI), the Sky Force actor has sold his apartment, located in the suburbs of Borivali East for Rs 4.25 crore. The report claimed that the real estate consultant Square Yards has reviewed property registration documents related to this transaction.
How much profit did Akshay make?
The property sold by the actor is situated in the Sky City apartments, which is developed by Oberoi Realty and is spread across 25 acres. By selling this property, Akshay Kumar made nearly 80 per cent profit in just a few years. ”An apartment purchased by Kumar in November 2017 for Rs 2.38 crore was recently sold for Rs 4.25 crore, reflecting a 78 per cent appreciation in value,” Square Yards said.
The transaction incurred a stamp duty payment of Rs 25.5 lakh and registration charges of Rs 30,000. The apartment features a carpet area of 1,073 square feet and includes two car parking spaces.
On professional front
Akshay Kumar’s first film of 2025, Sky Force, is out in cinemas on Janaury 24. While Veer Pahariya is making his Bollywood debut with Sky Force, the film also stars Sara Ali Khan, Nimrat Kaur and Sharad Kelkar in key roles. This film is based on the retaliatory attack by India on Pakistan’s Sargodha airbase in 1965. Apart from this, Akshay has a bunch of other films as well lined up for release including Housefull 5, Jolly LLB 3 and Bhooth Bangla.
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